Monday, March 30, 2009

~brg2 yg ku bli~~

em..tyme kuar ritu byk gak r brg2 yg aku bli..huhu...sb0r je la..m'bzr t0l!! x pe r sesekali kn...

ha..kt sebelah ni gmbo kasut yg aku bli...hehe

cute x??

pink colour!!!hehe murah je..tyme tu ngah de offer..nk tau x bpe??emm...secret..hehe

emm...due bju kat ats ni p0n antara benda yg aku bli tyme kuar ritu...hehe..saje r kan tgok comey r plak bju ni..tu yg bli tu...huhu...xpe2..lps ni sve duit plak..kik3^_^

~~kuar ngan membe~~

ni sume gmbo2 aku n membe2ku tyme kuar gak gmbo membe2 ku yg x de dlm ni..huhu
tp tiqah n qib x j0in..:( x pe r..laen kali pi rmai2 bgt!!!




Thursday, March 26, 2009


gambo kt atas ni telah ditangkap oleh abe aliff...dh x de keje laen r tu...kik3..
mntng2 r rini lecture rmai gler x inilah keje beliau..
menangkap gmbo sye yg x brape nk cntik nie...kik3...^_^

~~tag yg diberi oleh Cik Qib~~

1.Do you smoke ciggs?
=no!hrm sepertimana dikluarkn oleh fatwa..huhu

2.Have you kissed somebody in the last 2 weeks?
=yes!my m0m + dad + bro n cousin..^_^

3.Who's the last person that came to your house? pak cu's family..:)

4.Miss someone?
=of course!my family!!

5.Is there anyone you would like to fight?
=emm..nope..coz everybody kind wif me..huhu ^_^

6.Do you like someone right now?
=emm..maybe...but n0t sure..*_*

7.Song playing?
=saat terakhir..st12..

8.What are you doing tomorrow?
=maybe i wif my frens will go to tesco..huhu

9.Do you know what tofu is?
=mcm x ske sgt..huhu

10.Have you ever eaten it?

11.Do you want to go back to middle school?
=emm..maybe..want to meet all my teachers n frens...miss them!!

12.Have you ever watched the Britney Spears movie?
=nope!dun like her..

13.What did you do yesterday?
=ciapkan assgmnt..fuh!lega..dh anto rini..^_^

14.Who did you ride in a car with last?
=my dad..:)

15.Are you tired?
=emm..not really...huhu

16.Who were you with today/tonight?
=my frens anis,tiqah n jia yi..huhu

17.Where is your mother right now?
=at my @ parit..huhu

18 .What color socks do you have on?
=of course PINK!!huhu..but also hve one rainbow colour..hehe

19.What color is the shirt you are wearing?

20.Where is the best place you have ever visited?
=emm..mosque..sungguh tenang..^_^

21.Do you think barbie is a negative role model for young girls?
=emm..not really..but seksi skit..huhu

22.How long does it take you to get ready to go out?
=emm..pling lme p0n 30 min..huhu

23.Does your family own any boats?
=nope!but aeroplane yes...hehe

24.Have you ever kissed your cat?
=dun hve cat coz hate cat!!hehe..cowie ek kucing2 sekalian..^_^

25.Where were you when 9/11 happened?
=emm..x ingt la..huhu

26.Describe the computer you are currently using? jenama peti ais..kik3..

27. Have you been outside of the U.S.?
=no!dun like U.S!!

28.The last text you received on your mobile was from?
=my frenz..huhu

29.Last movie u watched?
=emm...n0t remember..kik3

30.Ever had a crush on a teacher?
=mm..i think no..

31.Do you wish at 11:11?

32.contacts or glasses?
=no..i hve a good eyes..*_*

33.Next vacation you're going on?
=to penang..hehe

34.Do you play any instruments?

35.Do you have any piercings? where?

36.Last person you hugged?
=my mother!!luv u!!muah!!^_^

37.In the last 24 hours what did you do?
=study + tdo + solat + msg..huhu

38.Who/What made you angry today?
=apek!pi renjis air kt mke aku!!!gram t0l..but now..dh x mrh dh..huhu

39.Do you download music?
=nope..always give from my frens...tiqah,joe n abe aliff

40.Has anyone ever sang or played music for you personally?

41.Do you love anyone?
=ALLAH + family + frenz + teachers..:)

42.Have you ever bungee jumped?

43.How many pets do you have?
=only fish..:)

44.Ever have an antfarm? tu ek??huhu

45.Do you find yourself loved? comment..

46.Has anyone you were close to passed away recently?
=alhamdullilah..x de..:)

47.Where is the weirdest place you have slept?
=in da loker..hehe

48.What's the closest orange object to you?

49.What is your natural hair color?
=black...hitam itu menawan..kik3..

50.Where was your default picture taken?
=emm...x de rsenye...^_^

~sampaikan biarp0n hanya satu saat~

Pada hari kiamat akan keluar seekor binatang dari neraka jahanam yang bernama 'Huraisy' berasal dari anak kala jengking. Besarnya Huraisy ini dari timur hingga ke barat. Panjangnya pula seperti jarak langit dan bumi. Malaikat Jibril bertanya : 'Hai Huraisy! Engkau hendak ke mana dan siapa yang kau cari?' Huraisy pun menjawab, 'Aku mahu mencari lima orang.' 'Pertama, orang yang meninggalkan sembahyang. Kedua, orang yang tidak mahu keluarkan zakat. Ketiga, orang yang derhaka kepada ibubapanya. Keempat, orang yang bercakap tentang dunia di dalam masjid. Kelima, orang yang suka minum arak.' ..sampaikan pesanan ini biarpn 1 ayat..

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

~tembam kah??~~

alamak!!!ni yg aku rse cm x mau mkn jew..
semenjak blik dr cti ari tu..rmai plak membe aku ckp aku makin tembam...aduss..sedey tol..huhu
tp mmg p0n tyme cti ri tu mkn byk gler...
sehari mkn 3 n 4 kali nasi..huhu
mne r x tembam..
tp x pe r...janji aku bahagia..kik3..
emm...aku timbang brt p0n dh naek 2 kg dah ni...haish...
x pe r....b'usaha utk mengurangkan ketembamam..hehe

Sunday, March 22, 2009


elopz!!cti ari tu aku smpat gak r jumpe ngan my best fren fara!!!

really miss her!!!i'm very hepy...

kitorng jmpe lme gak r..

dh r dh lme x jumpe kan...

kebetulan plak both of us cti last wek..hehe..

best gler...syok!!!tp rye tau ni maybe x dpt rye sme ngan dye..ishk2...coz she'll fly to canada..:(

but...nvr mind...huhu..

pape p0n hope both of us will success in da future and frenship 4 ever..:)

em...kt sebelah ni gmbo aku n membe2 aku tyme rye last yer...fara is sitting beside me...:)

Thursday, March 19, 2009


hehe..i'm very hepi coz dpt menukar layout blog i..
thank to everyone dat give me da way how to change da layout..especially my fren,achip...trimass!!!
i'm very appreciate it...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

yea!!!sok blik umah!!

arini aku sgt2 gumbira..haha..
sok nk blik umah dah..
mum n dad wait 4 me ya!!!hahaha..
ske tol la..
even,hv many assgmnt..but i just ignore...kik3...
tp still kena wat gakk...xpe2...b'usaha utk menyiapkannya...kik3..
sesape yg x cuti tu bwk byk b'sbr ye..
jgn jelez ngan i..

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

~~help me!!~~

cm ne ek...aku dh b'puluh2 kali dh nk try 2kar blooger template ni!!
x dpt2 gak..ishk geram tol aku..huh!!
cm ne nk wat ni???
spe yg tau tu tolong r ajr aku!!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

~~nk balik umah!!!~~

x aci2...aku geram t0l la!!
td aku ym r ngan my sis..die bru je blik umah..coz cuti start dr ari kamis ri tu..
then die cter mcm2 kt aku...bestnye!!!dh r dpt bwk motor bru!!!dush3!!aku gram gler...
pastu diorng pi fun fair!!!waa!!!dh lme x pi sane!!smpai ati diorng x tunggu aku blik dulu...
ni nk emo x pe...aku x kisah p0n...coz dis wek aku blik umah..cuti seminggu ag...
jgn jelez ye kakak ku...hahahaha...

~~my family~~

sebelah ni gmbo mak n ayah aku..i luv u mom n dad!!!
aku rindu gler kt x pe dis wek nk blik umah..cuti!!!
yea!!syok gler!!!
mak n ayah aku ni slalu bg nsihat n galakn kt aku..
aku rse tanpa diorng aku x jd cm skunk..
at least ade r hala tuju skit..x r t'golong dlm org2 yg x tntu hala...huhu
pape p0n thanks GOD give me THE BEST MOM N DAD IN DA WORLD!!!

yg ni plak gmbo aku ngan kakak aku...
she is da only sister dat i hve...huhu
ye r..aku 3 beradik je..~~

die ngah study ag..kt uniten, nk dkt bis blajo dh..

ble r die ni nk kawin...umo dh 22 dh ni..kik3..xpe2..mude ag tu..

papep0n aku syg bangat sma die..even kdg2 slalu gk gaduh ngan besa la kan..bak kata pepatah air dicincang x kn putus...:)

emm..yg ni plak adk bongsu aku...he is only da boy in my sibling...huhu
manje r gak...huhu
die ni sush skit nk tangkap p0n kna pakse ngan aku...dh r tngkp kat tnh p'kuburan plak tu..huhu..
dulu maser kck die putih gler!!tp skunk dh b'tukar warna plak..hehe..
die still study gak skunk ni in form 4..die ni pndiam slalu r gk gaduh ngan die..huhu~~
tp aku ttp syg gler kt adk aku yg sorng ni!!:)

~first tyme~

beside is my picture..huhu

aku dk dr perak...prk kt ne ek??ala,kalo aku bg tau p0n de gk yg x tau tmpt ni..hehe..

kt parit a.k.a pariS..hehe~~ kre 1st tyme aku tulis blog..

slama ni x prnh p0n de..

tgok org laen nye blog cm best, aku p0n nk try r gak best gk r..

ape lagi aku nk tulis ni ek...

emm...aku cter r ttng aku skit2...

aku ni gurl..of course r kn..nma p0n mimie..hihi emm...ske warna pink!!!aku study ag r...

study kt kdh..aku p0n heran r..start dr form 1 aku dh blaja kt blh2 utara...smpai r skunk...ntah2 jodoh p0n org utara gak pe..hehe~~aku x ksh wat mser ni aku mls nk pk psl kapel2 ni...

wat pening kepala je...huhu...emm

aku rase tu je kot yg aku nk 2lis..
